KNOW BETTER to reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) If one notices everything we find on the Internet because of Reishi or Ganoderma lucidum we only find in most cases, pages that talk about the same. That is a great revolution in natural medicine, which is a mushroom or herb of kings, which has nutrients, worry about selling or placing the product, repeating clichés and chewed until exhaustion. Do not fall into this error and find out what is behind this little mushroom so special, so we can give us the pleasure of consuming it or dedicate to the sale, knowing not only their property but what it really is.
Its natural growth takes place annually in the trunks of dead or damaged trees, especially oak, maple, elm, willow, magnolia, locust and plum. Bitter taste, cultivated a flourishing industry in several countries (China, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam), to market dried or combined with other products for easy consumption.
It is a grass plant and is not therefore . By itself has few nutrients, uses other vegetables for nutrients or have active elements that make it remarkably surprising. Since ancient times mushrooms have been used for various human activities. Now highlight its nutritional properties. It is known that in times of famine, some human populations have used it for their basic food. As with vegetables, mushrooms are foods rich in water ranging from 80-90% this content. Due to their water content is low energy value. Would have to eat 40 kg of mushrooms to reach a value of 1 kg of beef. That is why Ganoderma absorbs nutrients and processed, not processed and can reach unimaginable amounts depending on the crop area, ie where is cultivated Ganoderma lucidum. When we talk about the nutritional value of mushrooms, a clear choice, we tend to think that wild mushrooms are more nutritious than seed mushrooms. It may be true, but the analyzes confirm that cultivated mushrooms are rich in trace elements, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur in addition to vitamins, with vitamin C in appreciable quantities. It is a food rich in dietary fiber, having a content about 1%. The fiber containing these fungi is chitin which is part of the structure of fungi. Fiber intake is essential for preventing colon cancer, obesity and coronary heart disease. Another 1% of fresh content of reishi is for minerals that is remarkable the presence of iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and copper. Notably its low sodium content. Ganoderma lucidum contains lots of minerals, but their composition is highly variable depending on the culture medium. It is at this point, showing the danger of mushrooms, apart from purely toxicological, avoid collecting them when they are near contaminated sites must be pre-cook them before eating mushrooms as there are labile compounds, and avoid eating when are mature, past or parasitized. Here lies our concern and crop processing INC DXN. has with its plantations and processing of the final product. We must emphasize the nutritional interest of wild Reishi mushroom, which contributes to the diet, inorganic nutrients not found in other foods as well as the antioxidant capacity of some of them. Experts have analyzed the composition of mineral elements and heavy metals. The daily intake of mushrooms such as being beneficial to our diet includes inorganic elements such as iron, copper, zinc and potassium. Thus Reishi mushrooms can be defined as an excellent source of inorganic elements. With regard to vitamin content must be said that consumption of this fungus is a good supply of vitamin C, D, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, B6 and folic acid. nutraceuticals nutrients or elements that may come to possess 200, depend on the growing location and suitable habitat surrounding the Ganoderma lucidum.

ACTIVE Abundant polysaccharides (beta-D-glucan, arabinogalactanas, ganoderanas A, B and C), triterpenes (ganoderic acids A, B, C, D, F, H, K, M, R, S and Y, ganodermadiol, ácidolanostaoico derivatives), steroids (ganodosterona) grasosinsaturados acids (oleic), traces of alkaloids, proteins (ling zhi-8), glycoproteins (lectins), minerals (germanium, calcium, iron and phosphorus) and vitamins (B, C and D).

 lentinan: is an extract from sugar and has been used experimentally in humans and in animals with anti-cancer results. Intestinal cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer and so on. Among the anticancer effects of Lentinan should be noted that stimulation of the production of lymphocytes and the control of cell death in cancer infections.

 eritadenine: Extracted in 1971, reduces the rate of cholesterol in people, has also experienced animals with positive results. Experiments carried out show a decrease between 5% and 10% of the cholesterol after eat mushrooms Reishi.

 INTERFERON: This is a chemical that causes immune cells to viral infection. Tsunoda & Ishida, in 1970, showed that these fungi contain the interferon inducer. Gamma interferon is used for cancer treatments and as anti-viral, anti-inflammatory for the treatment of hepatitis B and C.

 Ergosterol: Converted into vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet rays only found in the dried mushrooms. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and with positive effects in treating colon cancer.

PROSTAGLANDIN FORMATION: Linoleic acid which is present in fungi is transformed in the body in different types of prostaglandin. These were extracted from the semen and were thought to be secreted by the prostate, but now known to be produced by many tissues in the body. Prostaglandin E1 is used to induce erections in men by intramuscular injection. Lentinan stimulates the production of T lymphocytes that have been shown to stimulate the production of prostaglandin E1.

 Anti-Oxidants: Hungarian Investigations have shown that one of the enzymes containing Reishi mushrooms, super oxide dismutase, decreases the peroxidation of lipids. This is an important factor in the prevention of cancer diseases and coronary artery and is one of the theories of the causes of longevity.

AMINO ACIDS: Glutamine is the highest amino acid concentration. Muscle glutamine concentrations in a 50% decrease after an operation, so that replacement can be prevented. Arginine is another amino acid in the Reishi, it stimulates T cells and also prevents nitrogen loss after surgery. Inflammation causes an increase in the bodily needs of glycine, serine, methionine and cisterina. All these are amino acids found in these fungi.

 ZINC: Prasad et al. (1963) described a syndrome characterized by low levels of zinc in plasma and the inability of the genital organs to mature at puberty. Finland investigations have shown that the addition of zinc increases the levels of plasma testosterone and sperm count. It has also been shown that male patients on dialysis with urethral problems, improve your sex life when zinc is added to the dialysis fluid. Zinc is present in these fungi.

 ENZYMES: Professor Mori in 1972, gave a list of 37 enzymes found in these fungi and says there until about 50 enzymes located in the fungus Ganoderma lucidum. These include cellulose, digestive enzymes and asparaginase. The latter is used in the treatment of certain childhood leukemias. The rapid growth of the fungus, which doubles the size overnight, is evidence of the large amount of enzyme activity that results.

 Chitin: 80% of the fiber Chitin is Reishi. in Japan have been shown to reduce the blood cholesterol level in humans.

 PROPERTIES The high molecular weight polysaccharides tienenacción immunostimulant, antitumor (power cytokine production by macrophages and T lymphocytes and increased levels of interleukin IL-1beta, IL-2 and IL-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha and gamma interferon release), antiviral (on todopreventivamente), antinociceptive (reduction of pain sensation) and hypoglycemic. The triterpenes have anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic (reduces cholesterol and triglycerides nivelesde), antihypertensive and hepatoprotective (reinforced by laganodosterona). Proven antifibrotic effect on the liver, lowering hepatic decolágeno content, normalizes impaired liver structure and reduces the levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), AST, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase and total bilirubin. Ganoderic and oleic acids give antihistamine action. Antiplatelet action and muscle relaxant. Indicated for acute and chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, allergic diseases, musculoskeletal inflammation, myalgia, and prevention of thromboembolism contracturasmusculares. Adjuvant treatment of diabetes and in the prevention and treatment of cancer processes. Experimentally proven effective as an adjunct in the treatment of immunodeficiencies induced by opioid abuse. As cardiotonic: ganodérico contains acid, which lowers blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reduce levels of low density lipoprotein and inhibits platelet aggregation, which can lead to heart attack and other circulatory problems. Especially indicated for the symptomatic treatment of angina pectoris. In a large number of psychiatric and neurological conditions, including the muscles, anorexia, and debility following lengthy illnesses. Because he is an excellent sedative, is used as an analgesic and muscle relaxant without providing narcotics or hypnotic effects. It is highly effective in the treatment of neuroses caused by "stress." In Alzheimer's disease, patients taking Reishi showed a significant improvement. can upset the blood sugar, which is usually normal in a few weeks, so diabetics should be monitored in blood sugar if necessary to adjust the dose of insulin or oral agents. That's why in the initial treatment recommended half dose in patients with diabetes mellitus. Now that you know better Ganoderma lucidum may make the "dot the i's" from now on and recommend the best consumption .

 REFERENCES: Dictionary of Botany, Dr. P. Font Quer, Labor, Barcelona, ​​1993. Phytotherapy. Handbook of Prescription, Masson, Barcelona, ​​1998. Ganoderma lucidum, an alternative health, Reishi International, Holistic Medicine / Complementary Medicine No. 52, Madrid, 1998. The Ganoderma does not cure diseases but can maintain the balance of our body system and improve Immune System against diseases.

The Reishi or Lingzhi mushroom is well known for its immune boosting capabilities. In ancient China it was referred to as the mushroom of immortality and eaten exclusively by royalty due to it rarity. Medicinal use of Reishi dates back over 4000 years.

Chinese and Japanese herbalists have traditionally recommended Reishi mushrooms for insomnia. Long-term use influences their sleep-promoting factors as it increases slow-wave sleep.

Other studies report that Red Reishi improves both neurological and psychiatric conditions including muscle tension, anorexia and debility following lengthy illnesses.

In Japan, the root-like body that produces mushrooms, known as the dried mycelium, has been found to be highly effective in the treatment of conditions related to environmental stress.

Red Reishi is primarily composed of complex carbohydrates called water-soluble polysaccharides, triterpeniods, proteins and amino acids. Researchers have identified that water-soluble polysaccharides are the most active element found in Red Reishi that have anti-tumour, immune modulating and blood pressure lowering effects.

Another major active ingredient found in Red Reishi are triterpenes, called ganoderic acids. Preliminary studies indicated that ganoderic acids help alleviate common allergies by inhibiting histamine release, improve oxygen utilization and improve liver functions.

Regular consumption of red Reishi can enhance our body's immune system and improve blood circulation, thus improving better health conditions. Generally, Reishi is recommended as an adaptogen, immune modulator and a general tonic. It can also be healpful for anxiety, high blood pressure, hepatitis, bronchitis, insomnia and asthma.

Some possible benefits of our raw Red Reishi  may include:

● Helping all organs to function normally
● Stimulating liver function, processes of elimination
● Supporting healthy heart function, & integrity of vascular system
● Helping with asthma & bronchitis
● Reducing insomnia
● Promoting healthy brain chemistry, memory & concentration
● Improving blood circulation
● Reducing anxiety & panic attacks
● Helping alleviate common allergies
● Immune modulator - regulates and fine tunes the immune system
● Reducing the occurrence of uncontrolled cellular division & mutation
● Bronchitis-preventative effect, inducing regeneration of bronchial epithelium
● Anti-inflammatory, Anti-allergic, Analgesic properties
● Antibacterial, against Staphylococci, Streptococci, & Bacillus pneumoniae
● Antioxidant, by eliminating hydroxyl free radicals
● Antiviral effect, by inducing interferon production
● Enhancing bone marrow nucleated cell proliferation
● General immunopotentiation
● Improving adrenocortical function
● Blood pressure lowering effects

Our raw Reishi or Lingzhi mushroom is cultivated without the use of chemicals or pesticides.

Botanical Name: Ganoderma lucidum

Other Names: Ling Chi, Ling Zhi, Mannentake, Phantom mushroom

Origin: China

Z Natural Foods strives to offer the highest quality organically grown, raw, vegan, gluten free, non-GMO products available and exclusively uses low temperature drying techniques to preserve all the vital enzymes and nutrients. Our raw Red Reishi Mushroom powder is cultivated without chemicals in a traditional manner by Chinese herbalists. This product passes our strict quality assurance which includes testing for botanical identity, heavy metals, chemicals and microbiological contaminants. offers raw Reishi (Lingzhi) Mushroom powder packaged in airtight stand-up, resealable foil pouches for optimum freshness. Once opened, just push the air out of the pouch before resealing it in order to preserve maximum potency. Keep your raw Red Reishi Mushroom powder in a cool, dark, dry place.

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