Monday, February 13, 2012


Ganoderma lucidum is the Latin name for the lingzhi mushroom or reishi mushroom. This type of mushroom has been widely used in Asia because of its medicinal content. The lingzhi mushroom has been used as a traditional medicine for over two thousand years
Ganoderma lucidum is also known as the lingzhi mushroom. It is a component of Chinese medicine that has healed and helped numerous people in China. Lingzhi mushrooms have also been used in various parts of Asia such as Korea, Japan and China. Lingzhi mushrooms date all the way back to the Warring States Period and Han Dynasty in China. Several historical records and certain forms of literature have mentioned this mushroom.

Ganoderma lucidum grows in Hemlock forests in the East. This mushrooms closest relative is the ganoderma tsugae which also grows in Hemlock forests. These two kinds of mushrooms both grow in temperate and tropical regions all throughout the world. This type of mushroom can be found in South and North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Lingzhi mushrooms often grow at the stumps and base of trees

Ganoderma Lucidum

El Ganoderma Lucidum ha sido venerado durante más de 5000 años como la "Hierba superior" de mayor jerarquía en los antiguos libros de hierbas y medicinas. Está científicamente probado en todo el mundo que es el refuerzo más potente de la salud que ofrece la naturaleza y un acondicionador general. El ganoderma suele asociarse con la longevidad, la juventud y la vitalidad.
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